
From now until the 6th of May, the new season is ON! [More...]
2024-03-28 16:00
The Plague is back!
The once-thriving lands of Regnum are under siege as another devastating plague hits all realms. Villages are in crisis and fear grips our hearts. You must unite and support one another to combat this menace.

Together, we can overcome this dark chapter in our history and come out victorious![...] [More...]
2022-12-23 18:16
The Winter Festivities are here!
It's that time of the year again! 2022 is coming to an end and everyone wants to celebrate, or just get it over with. And there's a great way of doing so: go to the Winter Village and participate in this year's adventure! [More...]
2022-11-18 11:37
Update to version 1.33.6
The game has been updated to version 1.33.6 adding the latest Balance changes. Check the latest Changelog in our website or the channel "changelog" in our Discord server at discord.gg/regnum. Thank you! [More...]


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