
Version: 1.15 (Date: 2016/5/17)


- Modified: Battlezone Deathmatch map. Enhanced gameplay and terrain.
 - Entrance costs 1 Ticket. Tickets can be earned weekly depending on the performance in war. (First week will cost nothing as an introduction bonus).
 - Teams have 4 players. Class restrictions may apply to avoid imbalances.
 - Safe zones. Bases can cure allies or damage enemies when near, or within them.
 - Mini bosses. Monsters that appear several times during the match. Killing them grants a buff to the team that gave the last hit to it. Must be in Range 10 to harm them.
 - Speed boost. When you die, you get a short speed buff to get back to action quickly.
 - Saving slot. If for some reason there is a disconnection, the slot in the game is reserved to the disconnected player for 120 seconds. After that time, a new player is prompted.
 - Melee range balance. The central part of the map and the paths have a simple design that doesn't allow long distances that could significantly affect melee players in a negative and harsh way.
- Added: War Performance calculation. Earn tickets depending on war activity. This will be calculated weekly. You must comply in 4 of the 7 days of the week the following simple objectives:
 First tier (10 tickets):
 - Kill one player.
 - Play at least 15 minutes.
 - Earn at least 30 WMC.
 Second tier (20 tickets):
 - Kill one player in 4 different forts.
 - Play at least 45 minutes.
 - Earn at least 90 WMC.
 Third tier (40 tickets):
 - Earn at least 150 WMC.
- Added: Renaissance clothing and hat. Gifted in Anniversary quest.
- Added: Mounts per gold. One day rent costs 50k gold. One week, 300k gold.

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