Version: 1.32 (Date: 2022/1/17)
- Added: Champions of Regnum Season 2. Open from 17/1 to 17/4.
- After the 90 days of duration of the season, the best of each subclass will win a Regnum Hero clothing and will have, for the next 90 days after the end of the season, a statue in the Hall of Fame. The best of the 6 subclasses will have the main statue as well.
- Also, for the 50 best of each subclass, there will be tiers of prizes depending on the position, we will give more information about them soon.
- A Champion ranking has been added and sums all the Champion Points obtained during the season.
- Added: Champion Points. To obtain Champion Points you have to:
- Hold a fort for 20 minutes. Twice every 18 hours.
- Recover a fort in up to 20 min. Twice every 18 hours.
- Participate in Battlezones. Twice every 18 hours, wins get double points.
- Participate in an Invasion. Once every 3 days, double points in high population times.
- Added: In-game Rankings. By pressing the key "Y" or using the button "Rankings" in the main menu (Esc) a list of all the rankings and filters will appear, with the same information as in the website.
- Modified: Rankings are now processed every two hours and not daily anymore.
- Fixed: Magnanite Marksman leggings not being able to be stashed.
- Fixed: Magnanite Hunter helmet icon was incorrect.
- Fixed: Error that made already completed quests to appear again as available. Users with characters that still have this problem must contact Support for them to recover them.
- Fixed: Conjurers and Warlocks having 1 socket less in all the Magnanite Armour. Now the Bracelet has 1 socket for enhancements.
- Fixed: Being able to mount while moving by activating certain usable items.
- Fixed: War Banners being shown as Twitch Banners.
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