
Version: 1.32.1 (Date: 2022/1/28)


- Modified: Champion Points given for Invasions are now obtainable every 18 hours.
- Modified: Champion Points given for Invasions are not doubled in peak hours anymore.
- Modified: Champion Points given for Invasions in peak hours have been reverted from 4 to 2 retroactively.
- Modified: If a capture point is captured, in the next 20 minutes it will not give Champion Points again. If it is recovered, it will give Champion Points, but also the next recovery must be after 20 minutes for it to give Champion Points again.
- Modified: The time needed to hold a Fort or Castle is lower (10 minutes, compared to the normal 20 minutes) if the attacker realm is underpopulated.
- Added: After a successful capture, there is a window of 5 minutes to go and click the Fort or Castle flag to apply for the Champion Points capture reward timer.
- Added: Interacting with the Guard Captain of an upgraded fort also starts the countdown for the Champion Points reward in the first 5 minutes after a succesful capture.
- Added: Visualization of the times left to wait for the next Champions Season objectives in the Ranking interface.
- Fixed: Paint Preview button not being disabled when a channel in an item is not paintable.
- Fixed: Ranking interface not showing when using the Main Menu button after closing it beforehand.
- Fixed: Keyboard mapping interface not showing the 12th quickbar key.
- Fixed: Mount casting time being affected by buffs.
- Fixed: Description of the Champions Season 2 in the Ranking interface was incorrect in German.

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