
Version: 1.32.3 (Date: 2022/3/18)


- Fixed: Some NPCs skin tone was not being rendered correctly.
- Fixed: Critical Chance in high percentages was not working properly. Remember that your opponent can have Martial Defense, which is calculated in combat, and not in the Character Sheet.
- Fixed: Critical Damage modifier was incorrectly acting as absolute.
- Fixed: Aurus Nightshade being kited inside buildings.
- Fixed: Unchained quest objectives (meaning that they don't follow a specific order) and their completion not being shown properly.
- Fixed: In certain occasions, some crafts would be accepted to start when there are no available slots and the needed items were consumed anyway.
- Fixed: Minor errors in the Crafting interface, such as showing buttons that were not usable at the moment.
- Fixed: Players killed not counting in certain occasions for several quests, including the Daily Warmaster ones.
- Fixed: Players getting stuck in a rock at Alsius Peninsulae.
- Fixed: Climbable hill of the Battlezones Team Deathmatch map.
- Fixed: Some options were not saved correctly when exiting the game right after setting them.
- Fixed: Crafting allowing to manage crafts started by other characters.
- Fixed: Some crafts would be shown as restarting their progress after they left the queue.
- Fixed: Order of finished crafts is now correct, so the last finished craft is on top to avoid confusions.
- Fixed: Duel Banners being consumed during the invitation process. All players that had this problem and lost Duel Banners, will find them refunded in their Character Stash.
- Fixed: Forts and castles being captured just seconds after upgrading them to level 4.
- Modified: Monthly special items obtained with Regnum Coins are character and account stashable.
- Modified: Enhanced the aggressiveness decay for monsters. This can help avoid some players to keep the focus of a monster for a long time.
- Modified: Evendim's drain wave. This will avoid Evendim to regain health fast in some situations.
- Modified: Invert selection priority option is now customizable per character and not anymore client wide.
- Modified: Health Base raised from 200 to 400 for all classes. This means that new players will notice it more because of lasting longer before needing to rest. High level players will just notice a 200 health raise from this change. Health Factor remains as 4.7 for Warriors and 3.7 for the rest of the classes.
- Modified: Health per level raised from 10 to 12. This means that each level will give you 12 * HEALTH FACTOR more health instead of 10. The Health formula is: HEALTH BASE + ceil((CONSTITUTION - 20) * 5 + (LEVEL * 12)) * HEALTH FACTOR. In level 60, this means an average of 504 more health points.
- Modified: Leader creatures reduce Necrostacy at double the rate than normal creatures.
- Modified: Champions Ranking now shows subclasses instead of classes as a filter.
- Added: Champions Season hunt objective. To be able to complete this objective and get Champion Points, you will have to be surrounded by a maximum of 3 enemies and 2 allies, making it a total of 3 against 3. You also have to be far from any fort, castle, wall, tower, market or any kind of edification.
- Added: Companion Faethie and Zoathie to the Premium Mall.
- Added: Show percentage charge bar for Chargeable items in the item tooltip.

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