Version: 1.33.9 (Date: 2022/12/23)
- Fixed: Obtaining data of the prize preference in the Rankings when a tournament finishes.
- Fixed: Regnum's Jersey couldn't be account-stashed.
- Modified: Graj boss in Ignis has a new visual design.
- Modified: Sambro boss in Syrtis has a new visual design.
- Modified: Ades boss has a new weapon design.
- Modified: Aysor boss has a new weapon design.
- Modified: Krontaron boss has a new weapon design.
- Modified: Satarco boss has a new weapon design.
- Modified: Ades', Graj's and Sambro's level raised to 45.
- Modified: Aysor's, Krontaron's and Satarco's level raised to 55.
- Modified: Boss balance feature has been adjusted to be more accurate to higher amount of players present near a boss (for now, this system is used only in the Mercenary Leader and now by the following bosses).
- Modified: Ades, Aysor, Graj, Krontaron, Sambro and Satarco have boss balance applied to them.
- Modified: Spawn rate for bosses temporarily lowered from 2 hours to 1 hour for Ades, Aysor, Graj, Krontaron, Sambro and Satarco until the end of the Winter Festivities event.
- Added: One Handed and Two Handed clubs from level 55 to 60 to the loot table (obtainable through creatures, treasures and lucky boxes).
- Added: Crafting materials loot bag for Ades, Aysor, Graj, Krontaron, Sambro and Satarco. They provide materials to up to 50 players. The loot bag is positioned in the spawn point of the boss, not where they died.
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