
Version: 1.34.8 (Date: 2024/3/6)


- Fixed: The colors of certain items were not displayed correctly in the Item Mall preview.
- Fixed: The premium item Extra Auction House Slot that can only be used up to 5 times was limited in its purchase to 5 times.
- Fixed: When performing new searches in the Auction House while already on a page other than the first one, the browser started jumping pages incorrectly.
- Fixed: Now, Magna is the default currency that appears to sell in the Auction House (with Gold as the secondary one).
- Fixed: The confirmation message for users when trying to sell an item in the Auction House has been improved.
- Fixed: In German, the name of the category "Maces" was being displayed incorrectly.
- Modified: In the Battlezone queues, players can now only press Ready every 10 seconds.
- Modified: In random Battlezone queues, the Ready/Not Ready status of individual players will no longer be displayed.
- Modified: Visual improvement to the Auction House interface.
- Added: Premium item Equipment Box. They come in Legendary and Epic kinds. Allows to create an item of the category they are made for and choose modifiers. Some modifiers can be upgraded.
- Added: Upgrade Modifier item. This item can be bought in one of the Warmaster merchants for 100.000 WMC and allows to upgrade one modifier of an item created with the Equipment Box.

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