Version: 1.7.3 (Datum: 2011/5/16)
-Modified: The focus in the active chat windows does not disappear by opening new chat labels (for example for commerce). The window only changes when new private conversations are open.
-Corrected: If the buy/sell interface is active, the shift+click action over will not link to an object in the chat.
-New: Deleted characters animation has been updated (only available in the character selection screen).
-New: The option “Show/Hide help” now also can be deactivated from the help window.
-Corrected: The player holding a realm gem drowns under water, the object return to the last valid position, over the sea level and in planeside spot.
-Corrected: Error that caused a glitch that, in some occasions, could affect the server stability.
-Corrected: Error that caused the player keeps their immunity after canceling a duel.
-Corrected: Error that caused, in some occasions, that the characters weren’t un mounted when the go under water.
-Modified: The time of a gem on the ground has been shortened to 5 minutes.
-Corrected: The objects “New barbarian axe 2” and “New mace 2” have been modified. These objects shouldn’t have obtained by loot, but given that the users obtained legally their names, damage and looks were updated to maintain their magical properties. From now one they will look exactly like the objects “Two-handed Dragon axe” and “Abysmal two-handed mace” respectively.
-Corrected: The objects “Blessed ring of Darlud”, “Lefan Ring” and “Soras Amulet” have been modified to correct their functionality.
-Corrected: The damage value from the looted weapons from epic creatures (Thorkul, Daen Rha y Evendim) have been adjusted to be capable to equip at level 60 in all cases.
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