
Version: 1.7.7 (Datum: 2011/8/30)


- New: Falling damage. Characters will now receive damage when falling from heights. This damage is progressive, depending on the height the character falls from, occasionally causing the character’s death in certain cases.
- New: Jump. Characters can now jump! The key assigned by default will be the Space Bar, but it will be possible to change this in the Keyboard options.
- Modified: If the character carrying the Realm Gem gets out of the invaded Realm through any other way that’s not the Realm Gate, the Realm Gem will automatically respawn back at its pedestal or at the portal.
- Fixed: Ordamo’s Summon, from Ignis, now respawns closer to the NPC Ordamo. This should prevent its fall down by the cliff nearby.

Gameplay / Balance:
- Modified: The skill “Feint” is now part of the Knight’s “Vanguard” discipline.
- Modified: The skill “Intimidate” is now part of the Warrior’s “Tactics” discipline (lvl 15 in this discipline is required).
- Modified: The skill “Kick” now occupies the 1st place in the Warrior’s “Tactics” discipline.
- Modified: The attack range of the skill “Will Domain”, in the Mage’s “Mental” discipline, is now reduced to 10 mts.
- Modified: The attack range of the skill “Ambush”, in the Archer’s “Tricks” discipline, is now reduced to 10 mts.
- Modified: The “Cannot Attack” effect has been replaced by the “Stun” effect in the skill “Stunning Fist”, from the Archer’s “Tricks” discipline.
- Modified: The blunt damage in the skill “Burst of Wind” from the Marksman subclass has been removed.
- Modified: Mana regeneration in the “Marksman” subclass has been slightly reduced when engaged in combat.

- Modified: Physics engine has been updated. This allows to fix an error in the collision system, that used to let characters go through certain objects.
- Modified: Premium store window has been reorganized, making it easier to search & find items.
- Fixed: Collisions in forts, castles and Great Walls are now adjusted to the 3D model. This fixes some errors reported by our users.

- Modified: Physics engine has been updated. This new version fixes some errors in the collision system produced on the server side.

Note: During the update, all of the warrior characters’ skills will be reseted.

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