Version: 1.9.1 (Datum: 2012/2/15)
-New: Orcs have been redesigned and remodeled
-New: Bears have been redesigned and remodeled.
-New: Terrain textures have been revamped.
-Fixed: Realm walls now cast shadows accurately.
-Fixed: Tenax is no longer M.I.A.
Gameplay - Interface:
-Modified: The character HUD has been changed. The new design allows for easier viewing of the player's health & mana.
-Modified: The enemy/selected item HUD has been modified. Now it shows the targets realm.
-New: The character screen has been redesigned and is now independent from the Inventory.
-New: The quest objectives are now shown in the mini-map.
-Fixed: Issues in the Pet/Cast controls.
-Fixed: Messages when receiving gifted Ximerin not showing.
-Fixed: Achievement's launch button getting stuck under certain circumstances.
Gameplay - General:
-Fixed: Realm Walls' collision has been updated to avoid players "leaking" through them.
-Fixed: Forts' collisions have been revised so players can no longer hide inside objects.
-Fixed: Rounding error in "Casting Speed", most noticeable in +1% Cast Speed gems.
-Fixed: Evendim can no longer be exploited by getting him stuck in a rock.
-Fixed: There is no longer an invisible roof over a Syrtis' Noble house.
-Fixed: Disconnections that happened when the player had a "Reach X" type of quest active.
-Fixed: Falling damage should now work as intended.
-Fixed: Damaged armor icons are no longer imposed over active powers.
-Fixed: Map generation has been optimized for performance.
-New: Gender Change Scroll - Allows a character to change gender
-New: Race Change Scroll -Allows a character to change its race to another race of the same realm.
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