
Version: 1.9.6 (Hotfix 1) (Datum: 2012/8/8)


-Fixed: Error provoking Realm Tasks consisting in "Eliminate Realm Enemies" to work incorrectly.
-Fixed: Error provoking Realm Tasks consisting in "Get Items" to not count the items traded between players.
-Fixed: Error that showed the "Warmaster Coins multiplied" when completing any kind of quest or Realm Task with a WarMaster Coins x2 booster activated.
-Fixed: Error that consisted on not saving the last Resurrection Altar binding by relogging.
-Fixed: Error that consisted on counting eliminated allies on Coliseums as enemy kills for the WarMaster quests.
-Fixed: Ordamo's chest, in the Realm of Ignis, has been located back on its position.
-Fixed: Quests from the Realm of Ignis "The Crafter" and "Vitality Tonic".

-Fixed: Error that provoked "Point and Click" circle to be shown wrongly on low quality texture video settings.
-Fixed: Error that provoked "Character selected" coloured circle to be shown wrongly on low quality texture video settings.
-Fixed: Error that allowed dancing while moving or while mounting.

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