
Version: 1.10.9 (Datum: 2014/8/28)


Gameplay – World Map
-Fixed: Eferias castle relogging to appear in front of castle.
-Fixed: It’s not possible anymore to relog in Imperia to respawn outside with the corresponding dizziness.
-Fixed: Aggersborg-Herbred bridge issues.
-Fixed: Montsognir altar of resurrection was spawning players in altitude causing fall damage.
-Modified: Eferias and Imperia Resurrection Altars have been slightly moved to not interfere with the map’s roads.
-Added: Save Guards have been added to all 3 castles’ Resurrection Altars.
-Fixed: Kervyn Cairndweller (Alsius NPC) does not fall into a collision anymore.

Gameplay - Content
- Modified: War Zone SuperBosses have been leveled up.
- Added: War Zone SuperBosses now grant new level 55 weapons.

Gameplay – Powers and Combat-related Features
-Fixed: When resetting powers the system now verifies for “orphan” ones. This means that those who’ve lost power points in previous modifications can now reset, relog and gain back their lost power points.
-Fixed: Power casting now interrupts when equipping or unequipping an item.
-Fixed: Now the pet spawns correctly after dismounting.
-Fixed: Limit that prevented users to achieve more than 2024467 Regnum Points.

Gameplay – Quests
-Fixed: "The Squid Island" quest -given by Rushley Autocrank- texts were incomplete or had parsing errors.
-Fixed: "Against Ourselves" quest -given by Thair- rewards were incorrect for Conjurer and Warlock. Now it gives the proper item for the subclass.
- Fixed: "Spider Cave" quest -given by Ikarin- objectives were confusing.

Gameplay – General
-Fixed: After reskilling and having enough points in tame skill, pet cannot be revived because it's not dead, but not spawned.
-Fixed: Relics do not get stuck in the ground anymore.
-Fixed: War Beacons (premium) can now be cancelled without the item being consumed.
-Modified: Invasion Dragons do not use Fire Ball anymore and damage dealing is significantly reduced. This is to allow wars to develop around the Wall Door until a proper functionality of the Dragon is provided.
-Modified: Son of the Wind and Escapist cannot be used at the same time anymore.
-Fixed: Mass Resurrection does not affect the living anymore.
-Fixed: The Gem Carrier will not be teleported to his realm after getting close to the recaptured wall of the realm's he's in.
- Fixed: Closed Relic Cages do not allow to store the relic anymore.

Gameplay – Premium
-New: Power Sets. This feature allows players to save power configurations (builds) in a series of slots, purchasable with Ximerin. Each slot costs 1500 Ximerin and a single character can have up to 10 different slots. Keep in mind that in case of future balance updates, the Power Sets affected will be eliminated, leaving the slot empty to be reused.
-New: Power Sets Tome. This items allows the user to access their saved Power Sets from anywhere in the world.

Client – Chat Functionality
-Modified: Commerce chat restrictions: now the time between itemless messages is 30 seconds, 50 characters. With items, 30 characters without counting the item.
-Added: Option to see Commerce channel in Realm chat to avoid switching tabs and mis-using Commerce channel to chat. Option should be defaulted disabled in Esc -> Options -> Game.
-Added: Putting the "," (comma) character before a message in the chat window will redirect messages to the Commerce channel.

Gameplay – Skills Balance and Tweaking


-Mind Push: Reduced Movement Speed effect in -25%; -30%; -35%; -40%; -50% from levels 1 to 5.
-Pricking Ivy: Reduced effect duration in 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 seconds from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 30 secs.
-Will Domain: Reduced effect duration in 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 seconds from levels 1 to 5. Range increased to 12mtrs. Cast Time: 0.5 secs.
-Silence: Reduced effect duration in 3-4-5-6-7 seconds from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 150-175-200-225-250.CastTime: 1 sec.
-Splinter Wall: Area of effect augmented to 10 mtrs. Piercing damage increased to 50-70; 65-90; 85-110; 100-120; 120-150.
-Time Master: Freeze effect removed. Time master now has the following effect: Reduce Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Cast Speed in 10%; 20%; 30%; 40%; 50% from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 230-260-290-320-350 from levels 1 to 5. Spell duration: 10 secs in all levels

-Feline Dexterity: Cooldown reduced to 5 secs.
-Bear Strength: Cooldown reduced to 5 secs.
-Bless Weapon: Cooldown reduced to 5 secs.
-Fox Wits: Cooldown reduced to 5 secs.

Staff Mastery
-Fire Magnification: Damage increased to 5-15-25-35-45 from levels 1 to 5.
-Ice Magnification: Damage increased to 5-15-25-35-45 from levels 1 to 5.
-Lightning Magnification: Damage increased to 5-15-25-35-45 from levels 1 to 5.

Mana Control
- Mana Ignition: Cooldown 50 secs.


-Heal Ally: Power increased to 100-250-400-550-700 (values in HP) from levels 1 to 5. Range increased to 25.
-Regenerate Ally: Health 10-21-32-43-55 from levels 1 to 5. Range increased to 25.
-Divine Intervention: Cooldown: 90 secs ; Duration: 10-25-40-55-80; Mana Cost: 75-100-125-150-175
-Mass Resurrection: Removed Chance of Revival = The spell now revives allies with a 100% success rate. Health: +500; +600; +700; +800; +1000 from levels 1 to 5; Resurrection Dizziness added on revival; Mana Cost: 500-600-700-800-900 from levels 1 to 5; Cooldown: 300 secs.

-Summon Lich swapped positions with Summon Golem, as it’s considered the Lich to be far more powerful than the Golem.
-Summon Imps: Mana costs reduced to 50-75-100-120-140 from levels 1 to 5.
-Summon Demon: Mana costs reduced to 90-110-130-150-200 from levels 1 to 5.

-Mind Blank: Cooldown 120 secs; Cast Time 1 second; Mana Cost: 100-130-160-190-220 from levels 1 to 5. This is now an activable skill. Cannot Cast damaging powers.

-Slow: Effect reduced to -10%; -12%; -15%; -17%; -20% from levels 1 to 5.
-Petrify Hands: Attack Speed reduction improved to -5%; -10%; -15%; -20%; -25%
-Laziness: Damage reduction improved to -30%; -40%; -50%; -60%; -70%
-Meteorite: Duration: 3-4-5-6-7 from levels 1 to 5.
-Wind Wall: Range Damage protection improved to -15%; -20%; -25%; -30%; -35%
-Crystal Blast: Damage improved to 220-255; 350-470; 475-635; 600-800; 850-1150 from levels 1 to 5.
-Golem Fist: Damage improved to 500-600; 625-750; 750-900; 875-1050; 1000-1200 from levels 1 to 5.
-Sultar’s Terror: Knock Chance improved to 100% Chance in all levels; Duration reduced to: 2-3-4-5-6 from levels 1 to 5. Splash Damage REMOVED: Now ALL affected enemies will receive the spell’s full damage instead of a portion of it. Range: 30 meters.

-Darkness: Duration reduced to 7, 9, 11, 15, 20 secs from levels 1 to 5. Cannot be dispelled anymore. Cooldown : 50 secs.

-Freeze: Duration reduced to 3-4-5-6-7 secs from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 100-130-160-190-220. Cooldown: 30 secs.
-Frozen Storm: Instead of freezing, the spell now stuns all enemies affected. 100% chance of success.


Short Bows
-Dual Shot: Casting time reduced to 0.5 secs.
-Grounding Arrow: Dexterity debuff removed. Added Immobility effect. Duration: 4 secs; Attack Damage: 80%-90%-100%-110%-120% from levels 1 to 5. Mana cost: 95-120-145-170-195 from levels 1 to 5. Cast Time: 0.5 secs.
-Adaptability: Duration reduced to 4-6-8-10-12 secs from levels 1 to 5. Mana cost: 180-220-260-290-330 from levels 1 to 5. Critical Chance improved to +200%; Cooldown: 80 secs.
-Repetition Shot: Cast time: 1.5 secs.

Long Bows
-Shield Piercing: Fixed damage removed. Added “Attack Damage” modifier. Attack Damage 100%-110%-125%-140%-150% from levels 1 to 5. Mana cost: 45-70-90-110-130 from levels 1 to 5.
-Point Shot: Critical Hit Chance improved to +5-+10-15-20-25 from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 115-140-165-190-215 from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 45 secs.

-Ambush: Duration reduced to 2-3-4-5-6 secs; Cast time: 0.5 secs; Range improved to 12 mts.
-Stunning Fist: 100% Stun chance in all levels. Duration reduced to 2-3-4-5-6 seconds from levels 1 to 5.
-Distracting Shot: Duration reduced to 4-5-6-7-8 secs from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 75-100-125-150-175 from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 50 secs.

-Acrobatic: Damage reduction reduced to: 5-10-15-20-25 from lvls 1 to 5.
-Evasive Tactics: Protection 5%-15%-25%-35%-45% from levels 1 to 5.
-Escapist: Evasion bonus removed. Added “Absolute Evasion Chance” effect. Duration: 3-4-5-6-8 from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 120-150-185-215-250 from levels 1 to 5.
-Son of the Wind: Spell Resistance Bonus removed. Added “Absolute Spell Resistance Chance”. Duration: 3-4-5-6-8; Mana Cost: 150-185-225-260-300.


-Ensnaring arrow: Piercing fixed damage reduced to 50-90-120-160-200 from levels 1 to 5. Mana cost: 100-125-150-175-200 from levels 1 to 5.

-Heal Pet: Healing bonus +250; +350; +600; +1000; +1400. It is NOT necessary anymore to actually target the pet or face it to heal it.
-Training: Health bonus improved to 15%-30%-45%-60%-75% from levels 1 to 5.
-Revive Pet: Extra waiting time to revive pet removed. You can now revive the pet as soon as the cooldown goes off.
-Skin of the Beast: Resist Damage 40%-50%-60%-70%-80% from levels 1 to 5. Duration: 15 secs; Mana: 225-250-275-300-325; Cooldown: 60secs


Aiming Mastery
-Dead eye: Reduced Attack Speed reduction: 4-5-6-7-8 from levels 1 to 5.
-Focus: Reduced Speed Movement reduction: -5% in all levels.
-Strategic Position: Removed movement restriction. You can now move and the spell won’t be deactivated; Cast time: 1 secs; Added Movement Speed Malus: 10%; Duration: 25 secs in all levels. Damage reduction is now -5%;-7%;-10%;-15%;-20%; from levels 1 to 5.

Arrow Mastery
-Recharged Arrows: Mana Cost per arrow 20-25-30-35-40; Health Cost per arrow: 10-15-20-25-30.
-Winter Stroke: Cast time 0.5 sec;  Cooldown: 40 secs; Range: 30; Duration: 3-4-5-6-7.
-Burst of Wind: Duration reduced to 2-3-4-5-6 secs from levels 1 to 5.
-Needle Blast: Added attack damage +100%
-Fire Rain: Added Attack damage +100%; 250-300, 300-350, 350-400, 400-450, 500-600
-Lightning Arrow: Movement Speed reduction reduced to -15%; Duration 5-7-9-11-15; Cast Time: 2 secs; Mana Cost: 260-290-320-350-380.


Slashing Weapons
-Devastate: Attack Damage 60%-75%-90%-105%-120% from levels 1 to 5; Slashing damage: 120-140-160-180-200 from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 140-170-200-230-260. Cooldown: 70 secs
-Iron Skin: Blunt Damage Resistance 5%-6%-7%-8%-10% from levels 1 to 5.
-Fatal Strike: Cast time reduced to instant; Protection Reduction: -10%; -20%; -30%; -40%; -50% from levels 1 to 5.
-Typhoon: Attack Damage: 80%-90%-100%-120%-150% from levels 1 to 5; Slashing Damage: 50-100-150-200-250 from levels 1 to 5; Cast Time: 1.5 secs; Knockout Chance: 100% in all levels; Duration: 1-2-3-4-5 secs from levels 1 to 5; Mana Cost: 380-410-440-470-500 from levels 1 to 5.

Blunt Weapons
-Crushing: Reduce Constitution -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 from levels 1 to 5.
-Execution: Duration 5-7-9-12-15 from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 180-220-260-290-330 from levels 1 to 5. Critical Chance bonus increased to 175%. Cooldown: 180 secs.
-Steel Temper: Piercing Damage Resistance 5%-6%-7%-8%-10% from levels 1 to 5.
-Ribs Breaker: Cooldown increased to 40 secs.
-Jaw Breaker: Cast time reduced to instant; Duration: 2-3-4-5-6 secs; Mana Cost reduced to: 120-150-180-210-240 from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 40 secs.
-Thunder Strike: Attack Damage: 80%-90%-100%-120%-150% from levels 1 to 5; Blunt Damage: 50-100-150-200-250 from levels 1 to 5; Cast Time: 1.5 secs; Stun Chance: 100% in all levels; Duration: 1-2-3-4-5 secs from levels 1 to 5; Mana Cost: 380-410-440-470-500 from levels 1 to 5.

Piercing Weapons
-Balestra: Duration: 2-3-4-5-6 from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 40 secs.
-Ripost: Cast time Reduced to 0.5 secs; Attack Damage: 120, 130, 140, 150, 170 from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown increased to 30 secs.
-Bendable: Slashing Damage resistance reduced to 5%-6%-7%-8%-10% from levels 1 to 5.
-Multiple Thrust: Attack Damage 60%-75%-90%-105%-120% from levels 1 to 5; Piercing damage: 120-140-160-180-200 from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 140-170-200-230-260. Cooldown: 70 secs. Cast time: 1.5 secs
-Lightning Strike: Dizziness effect added: 100% in all levels. Attack Damage: 80%-90%-100%-120%-150% from levels 1 to 5; Piercing Damage: 50-100-150-200-250 from levels 1 to 5; Cast Time: 1.5 secs; Duration: 1-2-3-4-5 secs from levels 1 to 5; Mana Cost: 380-410-440-470-500 from levels 1 to 5.

-Kick: Knockdown duration reduced to: 2-3-4-5-6 secs from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 35 secs; Mana Cost: 70-100-130-160-200 from levels 1 to 5.
-Backslam: Duration 3-4-5-6-7 from levels 1 to 5.
-Defensive Support: This skill has been moved to the Vanguard skill tree, for Knights, switched with “Rigorous Preparation”. Movement Speed reduction reduced to -10% in all levels. Cast time: 1.5 secs.


-Feint: Knockdown duration reduced to: 2-3-4-5-6 secs from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 35 secs; Mana Cost: 70-100-130-160-200 from levels 1 to 5.
-Stone Temple: New modifier added. 7% Damage resistance in all levels.

-Shield Bash: Cast time reduced to instantaneous. Duration: 2-3-4-5-6 secs from levels 1 to 5. Mana Cost: 110-135-160-175-190. Cooldown: 45 secs
-Shield Wall: Resistance Reduced to 10%-20%-30%-40%-50% from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 40 secs.
-Stars Shield: Resistance Reduced to 10%-20%-30%-40%-50% from levels 1 to 5. Cooldown: 40 secs.


Two Handed Mastery
-Beast Attack: Duration reduced to 3-4-5-6-7 from levels 1 to 5.
-Deafening Roar: Duration reduced to 4-5-6-7-8. Cast time: 0.5 secs
-Rage of the Earth: Knockdown chance 100%; Knockdown duration: 2-3-4-5-6 secs from levels 1 to 5.
-Fulminating: Added Cast Speed reduction -50% to prevent barbs from combinating this skill with already powerful AoE spells.

-Colossus: Health reduction reduced to -10% in all levels.
-Howl: Duration: 2-3-4-5-6 from levels 1 to 5; Mana Cost: 100-120-150-175-200 from levels 1 to 5.

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