
Version: 1.10.10 (Datum: 2014/9/19)


- Fixed: Alsius' NPCs Helka and Valger were unreachable to interact, causing some quests to be broken.
- Fixed: Cooldowns and active status of powers were not being correctly updated in the Quickbar, making it impossible to cast the new power in the slot.
- Fixed: Samal rock arc could be climbed.
- Fixed: Being able to use an item while under the effect of Falling Damage or Dismount.
- Fixed: Power Set use turned the Spellbook empty sometimes.
- Fixed: Divine Protection health bonus caused an increase in some health removing spells.
- Modified: Shield Piercing cooldown increased from 6 to 10 seconds. Damage reduced to: 100, 105, 110, 120, 135 (was 100, 110, 125, 140, 150).
- Modified: Mind Blank cooldown reduced from 120 to 60 seconds.
- Added: Merchants now have a Paint Preview feature. You can test the paints on equipped items.
- Fixed: Pet is killed when changing Power Sets.
- Fixed: Relogging with a relic in certain positions will move it to a safe zone. IE: Thorkul's Rage Well.
- Modified: Grounding Arrow cooldown increased from 30 to 60 seconds. Cannot move was 4 in all levels, now effect increases 1 second per level starting at 1 second.

- Fixed: Turkey mount warcry was not playing the gobble sound.
- Modified: Prices of the Gem Lucky Boxes are reduced. Gold surprise magic gem from 15000 to 8000. Silver surprise magic gem from 8000 to 4500. Bronze surprise magic gem from 4000 to 2500.
- Added: Minor Gem Fusion (1500 Ximerin) and Major gem fusion (7500 Ximerin) premium items.
- Added: Yellow and Brown paint premium items.
- Fixed: Hellion mount warcry was not playing the roaring sound.

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