
Version: 1.15.3 (Datum: 2016/7/14)


- Fixed: Speedhack via packet modification.
- Added: Battlezones Calendar. Now Battlezones can be set up for ranges of hours and it is shown in the user interface.
- Added: Auction House premium item. Allows to access the Auction House from anywhere in the map.
- Modified: Stash Carrier price reduced to 6000 Ximerin.
- Modified: Tickets. Now they are being given daily at midnight GMT.

TIER 1 (1 ticket)
- Play 15 minutes.
- Participate in killing one enemy.
TIER 2 (3 tickets)
- Play 15 minutes.
- Obtain 100 or more WMC.
- Kill enemies in 2 different buildings. Participate capturing 2 different buildings.
TIER 3 (6 tickets)
- Play 15 minutes.
- Obtain 300 or more WMC.
- Kill enemies in 4 different buildings. Participate capturing 4 different buildings.

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