
Version: 1.15.4 (Datum: 2016/7/25)


- Modified: Attacks from and to the wall walks in fortifications are now less affected by the collisions of those fortifications to allow them to be useful defense-wise.

- Modified: Falling damage in fortifications is deadly in every case when jumping outside them.
- Modified: Trapdoors in fortifications are only usable to exit when the fortification door is at full health or when the Relic is out of its cage.
- Fixed: Impossibility to earn more Realm Points after certain number.
- Fixed: Collisions of Aggersborg and Trelleborg in the top-right corner that allowed attacking without being attacked from below.
- Fixed: Launcher segfaults in Linux 32 and 64 bit in some distributions. Libraries libpng12 and libjpeg62 could be needed to be installed.

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