
Version: 1.17 (Datum: 2016/12/6)


- New: Coliseum free-for-all game mode. Through the Arena Guardian you will be able to enter the Coliseum in an open arena mode. Cost: 1 ticket. You can also enter to spectate for 5000 Gold.
  - To exit the Coliseum, use the lever or exit signs near the doors.
- Modified: Daily granted tickets tiers changed, ticket payout raise and for characters since level 30. After complying in playing at least 15 minutes a day:
  TIER 4 (20 tickets):
  - Earn at least 400 WMC.
  - Participate in killing players in 4 different forts.
  - Participate in capturing 4 different forts.
  TIER 3 (14 tickets):
  - Earn at least 200 WMC.
  - Participate in killing players in 2 different forts.
  - Participate in capturing 2 different forts.
  TIER 2 (9 tickets):
  - Participate in killing players in 2 different forts.
  - Participate in capturing 2 different forts.
  TIER 1 (5 tickets):
  - Participate in killing one player.
- Modified: Battlezone TDM ticket cost is now 3 tickets.
- Modified: Dragon dungeons ticket cost is now 3 tickets.
- Modified: Coliseum 1vs1 and class match ticket cost is now 2 tickets.
- Modified: War Zone superbosses Ancient Soul breath loot rate increased.
- Modified: Enchantment recipe now requires 25 Enemy Essence. Greater Enchantment recipe now requires 75 Enemy Essence, 25 Enemy Bones and only 1 Ancient Soul Breath.
- Added: Buddy list status now shows if a player has entered or returned from an instance (with a message in the log or a yellow icon in the list).
- Modified: Tickets are now account and character stash-able.
- Added: Premium item "10 Tickets". Adds 10 tickets. Cost: 3000 Ximerin.

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