
Version: 1.22.1 (Datum: 2017/12/24)


- Added: Message of the Day interface. When entering the game, if there is a new MOTD set by the Clan leaders, it will be shown in a separate window.
- Modified: Interface windows at the start of the game session changed in style and they appear in order of priority.
* The interfaces are: Daily Rewards, Message of the Day, Premium News and Game News.
* When closing one of these, if any other in that order has to be shown, will appear after closing the previous one.
- Modified: Party leadership can now be delegated to another member. Also the Leader of the party is shown in a different colour.
- Modified: Disconnection time at forts is now of 60 seconds.
- Modified: Resurrection time in zones of forts and castles reverted to normal (old measure because of nearer altars of resurrection).
- Modified: Altar of Resurrection safe zone cannot be used for Duel Banners.
- Fixed: In rare occasions, when a PVP ended, a player could not be attacked afterwards.
- Event: Christmas 2017.

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