Version: 1.0.2 (Datum: 2008/12/31)
- New: Fireworks with three variants, single, tri-shot and light show.
- New: Realm gems state now persist automatically after a server failure or scheduled update. This means that after a server restart, the gem will appear on the portal and/or pedestal where it was last seen.
- Fixed: Now gems dropped on the ground will return to their last position after a while (portal and/or pedestal).
- Modified: Destination of the teleport stones in the middle island is now the corresponding realm boat, near the shore.
- Modified: Yellow war state now displays the time left for the great wall to be vulnerable.
- Fixed: A problem with the physics engine was corrected. This caused several monsters and guards to "levitate", as well as players shooting through solid objects (i.e.: fort doors).
- Modified: Resource download mechanism has been optimized to support more users, it's now also less prone to download failure (although the system supports automatic resume).
- New: Two new weather effects, Snow and Sand storms.
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