
Version: 1.5.1 (Datum: 2010/1/27)


- Updated: Performance improvements for big battles.

- New: Personal stash. Through the merchants you can now store items on your stash (one per character). Later on we'll enable the account stash which will allow you to move items between characters of the same account.
- New: Monsters associated with zones no longer appear over map objects.
- New: Dragging and dropping an item outside the inventory window, destroys it.
- Fixed: Great wall and fort collision has been improved. This fixes the error that allowed users to go through them over a certain angle.
- Fixed: Monsters and guards no longer get stuck when colliding.
- Fixed: Magnanite rocks and treasures no longer appear over map objects.
- Fixed: It's no longer possible to duplicate items through repeatable quests.

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